Azure Solutions Architect Expert Still

I last posted in aws sa recertified, that I planned to get my AWS Developers Associate. Well, I started that training, but a newborn and a looming deadline for my Azure Solutions Architect Expert both hit this simmer. I decided to postpone AWS until spring and take the Azure one before it expired.

Azure has introduced a new renewal process. Instead of retaking the two tests needed to get the original certification, you can take an online review test at home for free up until your certification renewal date. I wasn't sure how difficult this test would be, but it turned out to be pretty straightforward. Microsoft provided online review courses, and after reading through a couple of those each night, I took the exam. It was 26 multiple choice questions and I earned a 85% when I needed 57% to pass. Most of the concepts were high level. One question seemed strangely worded, so I didn't understand what they were trying to ask, and 2-3 questions required knowing the difference between the plans for the services. I'm good on certs for another year.